GameMaker Studio 2.1 Update


The release of GameMaker Studio 2.1 sees a major milestone for the GameMaker series and that is the release of a dedicated Mac version! This has long been a desire of both YoYo Games and the community, and we are excited to welcome this version into the GameMaker family.

The great news for both Windows and Mac users is that it is all part of the same license, so buy any module and it will work on Windows and Mac with that single purchase. If you're a Mac user who has been "stuck on Windows" or using a VM there's no better time to swap to the Mac native IDE!



  • Added a fix for Marketplace demo/tutorial downloads not working in 2.0.7 if you browsed the Marketplace rather than using the Demos/Tutorials part of the start page
  • Redesigned the login dialogue to enable those who need to specify authentication details for their web proxy connection
  • Redesigned the target manager dialogue to flip the column order for worker and platform, so this should make it clearer when a worker is required and which platforms you have access to as part of your licence
  • Updated the Micro Web server to allow for simpler bandwidth throttling, and show loading of assets using a progress bar
  • Added into Game Options > Main a checkbox for if you want to change scripts/events to be DnD TM or not from that point, so now you can very easily toggle existing projects
  • Lots more general fixes and improvements!


  • Not only have we fully integrated the debugger but we've also added several improvements to it, giving it a simpler more user-friendly layout
  • We've also added a very handy FPS graph and message timeline window - use debug_event() and show_debug_message() to send messages to this window
  • You can also now hover over variables in scripts within the debugger workspace to preview their values
  • You'll find a new tutorial all about the new debugger on the Tutorials page of the Start Page now


  • The resource tree has had a makeover, with guidelines and resource type icons now on by default
  • Preferences have been added to allow you to turn these off again, along with a huge range of customisation options
  • You can now make the resource tree look how you want - even if that happens to be rainbow Comic Sans!


  • Recent windows can be found by default under the resource tree. This window helps you navigate quickly throughout the sections of your project
  • Preferences have been added to configure the behaviour of the list, so try these and see what works best for you.
  • Please note it will only appear automatically in newer project layouts, but you can open it via the Windows menu in older ones



  • We've also added code-folding to the code editor using the new #region and #endregion tags which can help enormously when dealing with larger scripts. This can also be used to "re-create" the 1.4 look of multiple code actions in one event


  • This makes navigation much simpler and more natural on a MacBook. You can now use multiple fingers to easily pan and zoom workspaces without having to resort to many key presses or a mouse, allowing you to stay mobile while developing.


  • "Save As" and "Export" are not handling all supplementary options files (typically console-specific files and icons)
  • Runtime download/activation is known to crash the IDE very occasionally during subsequent startup
  • The Welcome Page is currently disabled during start-up - it can still be accessed via the Help menu, so new users can still get to these videos and links
  • Some lower-specced Macs have issues with the game starting/closing or opening additional IDEs during debugger sessions, which causes the IDE to crash
  • UWP building errors over a missing makepri.exe if you only have Windows SDK v10.0.15063.0 and not the older versions also
  • Closing and reopening the Marketplace tab can cause issues downloading some assets thereafter. You'll need to restart GMS2 to fix
  • Dead instances of Window's RuntimeBroker application can block attempts to use the manual or view My Account in the IDE - just get a white page
  • Still looking into reports of offline not working for the full 30 days - usually a lot sooner than this if you get this issue
  • We have now added better exception handling and logging into the IDE, so if you get a crash, please send us your %programdata%\GameMakerStudio2\ui.log (Windows IDE) or /Users/Shared/GameMakerStudio2/ui.log (Mac IDE) file using the bug-reporting page here

For a more detailed list of in-game bug fixes and changes since version 2.0.7, please see our runtime release notes page.

Written by Gavin Smart
Senior Project Manager Gavin uses his years of industry experience to oversee the direction of GameMaker. He enjoys climbing and snowboarding, and has filled out the GameMaker offices with tons of fun board games.
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