Submit Your Entry For The 2024 GameMaker Awards


It’s time for the 2024 GameMaker Awards!

Every year, we celebrate the incredible work of the GameMaker community by inviting you to submit for one of our three GameMaker Award categories:

  • Best Game 2024
  • Most Anticipated Game 2024
  • Best GameMaker Tool 2024




Submissions are now open and run from 01/08/2024 through to 19/08/2024

Our judging panel will decide on a final five for each category before giving our community the chance to crown our three winners in a public vote.

Each of the 15 finalists will receive: 

  • A finalist's logo
  • A 12-Month GameMaker Enterprise Licence

The overall winners will also receive:

  • A winners logo
  • Promotion on our social media pages and website
  • A coveted GameMaker Awards trophy


Could your game follow in the footsteps of last year's winners and take home the trophy? There's only one way to find out.



  • The game/tool must be developed in GameMaker
  • You must be the developer/publisher of the game/tool you are submitting
  • Best Game: the game must have been released between April 1st, 2023 and June 30th, 2024
  • Most Anticipated Game: in active development with a playable demo
  • Best GameMaker Tool: must be a publicly available Tool/Library/Asset for GameMaker


Submissions may include videos, gifs, executables, or anything shared on social media with the #GameMaker hashtags.

We can't wait to see and celebrate your amazing games. Best of luck!!

Happy GameMaking

Written by Ross Manthorp
Ross Manthorp handles all things community at the GameMaker team. When he’s not pulling the strings from behind the scenes he’s enjoying Nintendo games, indie games, and getting emotional over cartoons and comics.
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