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Creating User Interfaces with GameMaker’s Flex Panel Functions

Use the new Flex Panel runtime functions to calculate layouts that you can use anywhere.
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Should I Move My Games From Unity To Godot, Unreal Or GameMaker?

On September 12th 2023, Unity announced plans to start charging developers earning over a certain threshold each time their game was installed on somebody’s system.Doesn’t matter how it was installed…
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What Platforms Can I Export My Game To With GameMaker?

Sometimes, the projects we start as hobbies can become far bigger than we ever imagined. After all, Walt Disney learned to draw in his spare time, and now it feels like his company owns the entire…
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Version 2023.1: Easy Collisions, Crisper Fonts And New Audio Functionality

GameMaker 2023.1 brings easy collisions with slopes, crisper fonts, a new audio effect and more. Easy Collisions With Slopes The new move_and_collide() function makes collisions easier for you,…
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HTML5 Runtime Is Now Open Source

We’re excited to open source the HTML5 runtime for GameMaker. You can view its source on GitHub and contribute to the repository. This will allow you to better understand how the engine works, and…
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Version 2022.3: Video Playback, SteamDeck & More

You can now download the latest version of GameMaker, 2022.3. The update brings SteamDeck support, new filters, and video playback, along with a way for your game to run faster on GXC.GameMakerThis…
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How To Make A 2.5D Game With A 3D Camera In GameMaker

I was working on the town area for one of my side-projects and was struggling with how to build it. I didn’t want to create a generic, 2D tiled area, with just one layer to fill the background; I…
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Guide To GameMaker Particles

You’ve heard of elf on a shelf, now get ready for a particle article.Particles are a great way to add style, colour, and flair to your 2D games. Whether you’re looking to create an effect that’s…
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Publish Games on Microsoft Store with the GDK Extension

The new GDK Extension allows you to publish games on the Microsoft Store and make use of Xbox Live functionality for implementing features such as save games, player stats, rich presence,…
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Level Up Your Visuals with Filters & Effects

GameMaker Studio v2.3.6 brings some exciting, major additions to your favourite game engine, such as a new, streamlined Start Page, Template Projects, and the topic of this tech blog:…
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Expanding Worlds: Building Games With Interconnected Levels

Have you ever added a second level to your game, only to find out while playing that going back into the first level resets it and doesn't save your changes?While that is fine for…
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Busting Moves! Bring Your Characters to Life with Sequences

Every game needs polished animations to immerse users in its world and characters, and GameMaker is here to help make your game look as smooth as possible with its new "Sequences"…
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A Practical Guide To Using Tiles in GameMaker

Hi there! This is your practical guide to Tiles in GameMaker Studio 2, ranging from its use in the Room Editor to runtime interactions through GML. You will learn to create tiles and use them for…
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Using Normal Maps to Light Your 2D Game

PolyCrunch Games are the developers of Pyramid Plunge, a cartoony rogue-lite, action-platformer with handcrafted pixel-art. They join us on the blog to share the way they use normal maps to…
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Easy Tweening with Animation Curve Library

Hi there! In this blog post we’re looking at the “Animation Curve Library”.Let’s first look at what Animation Curves are, why the new Curve Library is useful, and how to make use of them in…
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How To Use 9-Slice In GameMaker

Hi there! In this blog post, we will be taking an in-depth look at Nine Slice (or 9-Slice). This will be especially useful for those interested in creating smooth user interfaces and HUD. What…
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Hacking Stronger Enums Into GML

What are enums? GameMaker users might be familiar with enums as numerical constants. They are nothing more than a “find and replace” trick the compiler does for us so that we can use words as…
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GameMaker Studio 2.3: New GML Features

Now that the 2.3.0 Beta of GameMaker Studio 2 is available, you will be able to see there have been a number of significant changes and additions to the GameMaker Language, as well as a number of…
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GameMaker Studio 2.3: New IDE Features

Now that the 2.3.0 Beta of GameMaker Studio 2 is available, you will be able to see there have been a number of significant changes and additions to the GameMaker Language, as well as a number of…
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GameMaker Studio 2 Customisation And Accessibility

In this article we're going to discuss some of the ways that you can customise GameMaker Studio 2 to suit your own particular needs and general workflow when creating your game projects. Most of…
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Precise Tile Collisions by Pixelated Pope

Hey GameMakers! Pixelated Pope here, and today I want to show you a method for building your game's collision using a blend of tile-based collisions and object-based, precise collisions for…
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Buttery Smooth Tech: Inputs

Hey, GameMakers! Seth Coster from Butterscotch Shenanigans here, with another BUTTERY SMOOTH TECH BLOG! This time, we’re going to dig into something many of us take for granted: INPUTS. By…
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Making Fast & Beautiful Grass

Matharoo, the instructor of “Building a Crafting Game” on Udemy, is here to share a neat graphical technique in GameMaker that makes your game look better and still retains high performance.Hey!…
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Get Started With Particles In GameMaker Studio 2

This tech blog will show both the GML and DnD™ methods for setting up and using particle systems, and at the end of the blog, you can find links to two downloadable test projects so you can see…
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Finishing Your Game: Neat vs. Messy Code

Gabe "lazyeye" Weiner is a Programmer / Producer who is active in the GameMaker community, developing a variety of content from tools, jam games, podcasts, and more. He works on the recent hit…